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United Power has a long history of supporting our rooftop solar members. The cooperative has been nationally recognized for the amount of interconnected solar on its system, and recently surpassed 5,000 rooftop solar connections. That being said, several members have contacted us with questions about some things they are being told by door-to-door solar salespeople. We’d like to take this opportunity to dispel some common myths regarding rooftop solar:

Myth #1: Colorado State Law requires me to install solar on my roof.

This is not true. The state recently passed legislation that requires homebuilders to offer rooftop solar options or make-ready wiring for solar on newly constructed homes, but this does not apply to existing households.

Myth #2: United Power contracts solar installers to offer rooftop solar.

United Power does not have any contracts to work with rooftop solar installers. If a solar sales representative claims to be working with or on behalf of the cooperative, that should be a red flag. Members are free to work with any solar vendor they choose, and United Power will let you interconnect with our system. Learn more about our interconnection agreement and other helpful tips before considering solar at

Myth #3: By installing rooftop solar, you will no longer receive a United Power bill or will save against future electric rate increases.

You will still receive a bill for the electricity you consume when the sun isn’t shining and your home is utilizing services from the grid. United Power is actively working to reduce electric rates for all our members, so long term financing forecasts from solar salespeople with future rate increases from United Power may be misleading.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with a United Power energy advisor, please contact us at 303-637-1300. We also have several online resources available for members considering rooftop solar on our website at You can even view and download meter data on your electric usage through our Power Portal for a more in-depth analysis.

You can learn about United Power’s investments in solar for all our members at