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United Power members living in and around Fort Lupton now have access to a new payment kiosk. The new kiosk is located inside the Bank of Colorado’s Operations Center, 605 4th St.

Payment kiosks are hassle-free and easy to use. To make a payment, bring your United Power account number and a form of payment. Kiosks accept cash, credit card or check payments. Cash and credit card payments made using the kiosk are applied to your account immediately, and accounts subject to disconnection are restored immediately upon payment.

Over the past few years, the cooperative has seen a steady increase in demand from members who prefer to use self-serve and digital account and payment options, and a corresponding reduction in visits to our offices.

“The installation of payment kiosks demonstrates our commitment to providing the types of services our members want,” said Francis Ashu, Member Services Director. “Through our many convenient account management and payment options, we are able to provide the same level of quality service without costs associated with operating a storefront location.”

United Power now operates four payment kiosks, conveniently located throughout the service territory, with the addition of the Fort Lupton kiosk. The other kiosks are located at the cooperative’s office locations in Brighton, Carbon Valley and Coal Creek.

Find more information on payment kiosks and other payment options on our payments page.