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Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Power Operation Round-Up Foundation has responded to the needs of many nonprofits in the cooperative’s service territory. With many individuals and families economically impacted due to workplace shutdowns, the board has given above and beyond its normal contributions to area food banks to help meet the needs of those impacted in various corners of the territory.

The Operation Round-Up board recently announced a $3,000 donation to Pastor’s Pantry, which operates out of Whispering Pines Church in the Coal Creek Canyon. Founded in 2001, Pastor’s Pantry is an available resource for anyone in need in the canyon, and provides both food and essential items, such as toiletries and paper products.

While the food bank has remained open, donations from food sources decreased as a result of diminishing overstock at places like King Soopers. The Round-Up donation will be used to restock shelves with essential items.

Pastor’s Pantry is open every Thursday from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment for emergency needs. Individual donations are also being accepted via a donation box outside the church, 73 Gross Dam Road.

In May, the foundation committed $20,000 to food banks in the cooperative’s territory.

Operation Round-Up is funded by members who voluntarily elect to have their bills rounded up to the next whole dollar, on average just $6 per year. Members may enroll in the program by going to